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Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

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Our Services

As a member of the American Film Commission International (AFCI) since 1981, we have helped provide production companies with first-class service. Acting as liaison, we have helped production companies find all the services needed to complete their projects.

We help in location scouting, first through photographs of beaches, mountains, villages, major cities, resorts, of our centuries old forts and buildings, churches, our public markets and finally with personal visits.

From equipment to personnel, there is no other Caribbean island with our assets. We secure all the necessary filming permits and clearances and assist productions of small television and video crews and photo shoots.

To help cut costs, we help the company obtain exemption from the room tax leveled on the hotel rooms used by the cast and technicians during the filming. A major asset in our promotional efforts is our 40 percent tax exemption.

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Did you know?

Puerto Rico has a crew base that can handle at least two films at the same time.
